Digitalise and automate your distillation campaign with our specialised Distillery Assistant solution. Monitor every step of the transformation of your fresh-harvested crop into a high-quality end product

Use our highly customisable software module to get the most out of your crop while transforming it into an even more valuable product. Enjoy traceability and optimisation throughout the whole process. With Distillery Assistant you are committed to meeting the highest standards by keeping track of all the important production parameters

Distillery Assistant Desktop Mobile
Distillery Assistant Logo

Resource Usage Optimisation and Production Efficiency

Fully integrable with the Harvest Assistant and the Warehouse Assistant modules;

Trace deliveries from each collection point to the distillery in real time;

Detect inaccuracies and potential thefts in raw material deliveries;

Detailed reporting for all raw materials purchased from external suppliers with “total amount due” calculation for each supplier.

Process Automation and Quality Assurance

Visual analysis of the productivity for each variety with access to statistical data for comparative purposes;

Automatic calculation of production values when creating specific distillate mixtures;

Real-time inaccuracy identification which gives you the possibility for quick rectifications and improvements;

Live tracking of all important chemical parameters of the end product which guarantees consistent quality.

Distillery Equipment
Distillery Assistant Desktop
Distillation process

Based on cutting-edge technology, adaptable to the specific needs of your distillation process

Competitive prices and flexible payment models

Competitive pricing
flexible payment models


24/7 professional support in all stages of your agricultural operation

See how Distillery Assistant can help you

peak your distillation campaign results and end-product quality